All Tape Five Songs

Songs In album
...Quero Te a Sambar? Swingfood Mood
A Bossa Love Bossa for a Coup
A Cool Cat in Town Tonight Josephine!
A cool cat in town - aerophon mix -
A Cool Cat in Town (Feat. Brenda Boykin) - Aerophon Mix -
A New Mission * Bossa for a Coup
Alcazar Tonight Josephine!
An Arrangement of Notes... * Swingfood Mood
Avenue du Gare Swingfood Mood
Bad Boy Good Man Tonight Josephine!
Bad Boy Good Man (Feat. Henrik Wager) - Aerophon Mix -
Birds Like It Tonight Josephine!
Black Cotton Blues * Swing Patrol
Bossa for a Coup * Bossa for a Coup
Bunga Book Swing Patrol
Cancun * Bossa for a Coup
Casablanca's Calling... * Swingfood Mood
Cats Walk Underground * Bossa for a Coup
City of lights Swing Patrol
Club de Cigale Bossa for a Coup
Club Des Cigale * Bossa for a Coup
Cocktail D'amor Swingfood Mood
Completely Different * Swingfood Mood
Dixie Biscuit Tonight Josephine!
Dixie Biscuits -
Dog-Walk Theme * Swingfood Mood
Don Pueblo's Bar 8 A.M. * Swingfood Mood
Fabulous Swing Kid * Swing Patrol
Far Far Away Charles Tone Tonight Josephine!
Femme Libertan Bossa for a Coup
Geraldines Routine Swing Patrol
Grand Central-Slow Motion * Swingfood Mood
I Spy You * Swing Patrol
Ice From Russia * Swing Patrol
Intermezzo Speakeasy * Tonight Josephine!
Introduction Back in Time * Tonight Josephine!
La Pa**ifleur Bossa for a Coup
Longitude 54-21 Bossa for a Coup
Love on a Rainy Day Bossa for a Coup
Love Tonite * Swing Patrol
Madame Coquette Tonight Josephine!
Madame Coquette (Feat. Yuliet Topaz) - Aerophon mix -
Metro Bebop Scene * Bossa for a Coup
Mosquito * Swingfood Mood
Mr. White Suit! Swingfood Mood
On the Run Swingfood Mood
Pantaloons Tonight Josephine!
Pantaloons (Feat. Yuliet Topaz) - Aerophon Mix -
Peace Patrol * Swing Patrol
Permanent Midnight Bossa for a Coup
Pink Lullaby * Swing Patrol
Pousse L'amour Tonight Josephine!
Senorita Bonita Bossa for a Coup
Slow Serenade * Swing Patrol
Soulsalicious * Bossa for a Coup
Suitcase No. 3-4-7 * Swingfood Mood
Swingfood Mood Swingfood Mood
Tango for a Spy! Swingfood Mood
Taxi to Bombay Bossa for a Coup
Tequila * Swing Patrol
The Flappers Delight Tonight Josephine!
The Sky Is Not the Limit Tonight Josephine!
The Smell of the Sidewalk * Bossa for a Coup
The Smurf Tonight Josephine!
Three Butterflies * Swing Patrol
Tintarella di luna Swing Patrol
Who's Taking the Blame? * Swingfood Mood