All Ezra Pound Songs

Songs In album
"Fair Helena" by Rackham Exultations
A Ballad of the Mulberry Road Cathay
A Girl -
A Pact -
A Song of the Virgin Mother Exultations
A Virginal -
Alba Innominata Exultations
Albatre -
Alf's Eighth Bit -
Alf's Eleventh Bit -
Alf's Fifth Bit -
Alf's Fourth Bit -
Alf's Ninth Bit -
Alf's Seventh Bit -
Alf's Twelfth Bit -
An Immorality -
An Object -
Ancient Music -
Another Bit And An Offer -
Apparuit -
Arides -
Aux Belles de Londres Exultations
Ballad of the Goodly Fere Exultations
Ballata XI: "Because no hope is left me, Ballatetta..." -
Ballatetta -
Before Sleep -
Black Slippers: Bellotti -
Canto I The Cantos
Canto II -
Canto III -
Canto IV -
Canto LXXII The Cantos
Canto LXXXI The Cantos
Canto VII -
Canto XIV -
Canto XLV The Cantos
Canto XVI -
Catullus 85 -
Causa -
Christophori Columbi Tumulus Exultations
Cino Personæ (1926)
Coda -
Coitus -
Commision -
Dans le Restaurant (Ezra Pound translation) -
Defiance Exultations
Donna Mi Prega -
Epigraph to Four Poems of Departure Four Poems of Departure
Era Mea -
Erat Hora -
Exile's Letter Cathay
Fan-Piece, For Her Imperial Lord -
Fish And Shadow -
Francesca Exultations
Further Instructions -
Grace Before Song -
Greek Epigram Exultations
Guido invites you thus Exultations
Heather -
Historian -
Histrion Exultations
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Entire) -
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley I (Life and Contacts) Hugh Selwyn Mauberly (1920)
Hymn III Exultations
In A Station of the Metro -
In The Old Age Of The Soul -
Invern -
Ladies -
Lament of the Frontier Guard Cathay
Laudantes Decem Pulchritudinis Johannae Templi Exultations
Leave-Taking Near Shoku Four Poems of Departure
Marvoil -
Masks -
Medallion -
Middle-Aged -
N. Y. -
Near Perigord Lustra
Nel Biancheggiar Exultations
Nicotine -
Night Litany -
Nils Lykke Exultations
Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu Cathay
Ole Kate -
On His Own Face In A Gla** -
Ortus -
Pan Is Dead -
Papyrus -
Paracelsus In Excelsis -
Phanopoeia -
Phyllidula -
Piere Vidal Old Exultations
Pierrots -
Planh Exultations
Planh for the Young English King Exultations
Plotinus Exultations
Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin Cathay
Poetic Eggs -
Portrait Exultations
Portrait d'une Femme -
Prayer For His Lady's Life -
Preface to Cathay Cathay
Quies -
Safe And Sound -
Salutation The Second -
Salvationists -
Sandalphon Exultations
Satiemus -
Sennin Poem By Kakuhaku Cathay
Separation on the River Kiang Four Poems of Departure
Sestina for Ysolt Exultations
Sestina: Altaforte Exultations
Shop Girl -
Silet -
Simulacra -
Society -
Song -
Song of the Bowmen of Shu Cathay
South-Folk In Cold Country Cathay
Statement Of Being -
Sub Mare -
Swinburne: A Critique -
Taking Leave of A Friend Four Poems of Departure
Tame Cat -
Tempora -
Tenzone -
The Alchemist -
The Altar -
The Baby -
The Bath-Tub -
The Beautiful Toilet Cathay
The Charge Of The Bread Brigade -
The City Of Choan Four Poems of Departure
The Cloak -
The Condolence -
The Encounter -
The Eyes -
The Fault Of It -
The Flame -
The Garden -
The Garret -
The Gypsy -
The House Of Splendour -
The Jewel Stairs' Grievance Cathay
The Lake Isle -
The Logical Conclusion -
The Needle -
The New Cake Of Soap -
The Patterns -
The Rest -
The Return -
The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter Cathay
The River Song Cathay
The Seafarer -
The Seeing Eye -
The Social Order -
The Spring -
The Summons -
The Tea Shop -
The Temperaments -
The Three Poets -
The Tree -
The White Stag -
These Fought In Any Case -
To Dives -
To Formianus' Young Lady Friend -
To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud" Cathay
Translations And Adaptations From Heine -
Villonaud for This Yule A Lume Spento
Women Before A Shop -
Y Diffeithdir (The Waste Land welsh translation) -