All Dorothy Parker Songs

Songs In album
A Certain Lady -
A Dream Lies Dead -
A Fairly Sad Tale -
A Pig's-Eye View Of Literature -
A Pig's-Eye View of Literature: Oscar Wilde -
A Portrait -
A Very Short Song -
A Well-Worn Story -
After Spanish Proverb -
Afternoon -
Alexandre Dumas And His Son -
Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Anecdote -
August -
Autobiography -
Autumn Valentine -
Ballade At Thirty Five -
Ballade of Unfortunate Mammals -
Bohemia -
Braggart -
Bric-A-Brac -
But Not Forgotten -
Charles Dickens -
Cherry White -
Coda -
Comment -
Condolence -
Convalescent -
D.G.Rossetti -
Daylight Saving -
De Profundis -
Dilemma -
Distance -
Experience -
Fable -
Fair Weather -
Famous Dorothy Parker Quotes -
Faute De Mieux -
Fighting Words -
Finis -
For A Favorite Granddaughter -
For A Lady Who Must Write Verse -
For A Sad Lady -
For An Unknown Lady -
From A Letter From Lesbia -
Frustration -
Fulfillment -
Garden-Spot -
General Review Of The Sex Situation -
George Gissing -
George Sand -
Godspeed -
Guinevere At Her Fireside -
Harriet Beecher Stowe -
Healed -
Hearthside -
I Know I Have Been Happiest -
I Shall Come Back -
Incurable -
Indian Summer -
Inscription For The Ceiling Of A Bedroom -
Interior -
Interview -
Inventory -
Iseult Of Brittany -
Liebestod -
Light Of Love -
Lines On Reading Too Many Poets -
Little Words -
Lullaby -
Men -
Midnight -
Mortal Enemy -
My Own -
Neither Bloody Nor Bowed -
News Item -
Ninon De Lenclos, On Her Last Birthday -
Nocturne -
Now At Liberty -
Observation -
Of A Woman, Dead Young -
On Being A Woman -
One Perfect Rose -
Ornithology For Beginners -
Oscar Wilde -
Parable For A Certain Virgin -
Partial Comfort -
Paths -
Pattern -
Penelope -
Philosophy -
Pictures In The Smoke -
Plea -
Portrait Of The Artist -
Post-Graduate -
Pour Prendre Conge -
Prayer For a New Mother -
Prayer For A Prayer -
Prisoner -
Prologue To A Saga -
Prophetic Soul -
Purposely Ungrammatical Love Song -
Rainy Night -
Recurrence -
Renunciation -
Requiescat -
Resumé -
Reuben's Children -
Rhyme Against Living -
Roundel -
Salome's Dancing-Lesson -
Second Love -
Sight -
Social Note -
Solace -
Somebody's Song -
Song Of One Of The Girls -
Song Of Perfect Propriety -
Sonnet For The End Of A Sequence -
Sonnet On An Alpine Night -
Star Light, Star Bright -
Story -
Story Of Mrs. W -
Summary -
Superfluous Advice -
Surprise -
Sweet Violets -
Symptom Recital -
Temps Perdu -
Testament -
The Apple Tree -
The Burned Child -
The Choice -
The Danger Of Writing Defiant Verse -
The Dark Girl's Rhyme -
The Dramatists -
The Evening Primrose -
The False Friends -
The Flaw In Paganism -
The Gentlest Lady -
The Homebody -
The Immortals -
The Lady's Reward -
The Last Question -
The Leal -
The Maid-Servant At The Inn -
The New Love -
The Red Dress -
The Satin Dress -
The Sea -
The Searched Soul -
The Small Hours -
The Thin Edge -
The Trifler -
The Veteran -
The Whistling Girl -
The White Lady -
The Willow -
Theory -
There Was One -
Thomas Carlyle -
Thought For A Sunshiny Morning -
Threnody -
To A Much Too Unfortunate Lady -
Transition -
Two-Volume Novel -
Unfortunate Coincidence -
Vers Demode -
Verse For A Certain Dog -
Walter Savage Landor -
Wisdom -
Words Of Comfort To Be Scratched On A Mirror -