Apex Zero - Obtain Bearing lyrics


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Apex Zero - Obtain Bearing lyrics

I wonder down my journey's path Living a split existence My body goes through life's routines My Spirit views this world from distance Each connected by my mind Weighed down by heavy thoughts and grief Formed from what my body's lived And all the pain my spirit's seen Upon this Earth where people k** and die for what they think is right Walking through darkness We fight over the beams of light All flowing from the same source We all harbour the same thoughts Tryna' make something of life before it's run it's course I fight to find myself and my direction Search for God amidst deception So I can voice my praise and questions Through a clear and crisp connection Filter a drink that's pure from muddy water Striving to build a world that's safe to house my sons and my daughters Rid of the need for guns and slaughter But it feels like that is what we'll need To rid the Earth of those maintaining this world order Where children starve and are subject to rape and torture And chemical bombs ensure the unborn are spawned deformed Baffles my mind to think how anyone can let this be As long as those who do exist a change must start from you and me Sprout and grow from our hands Or our children's lives will be the cost We know what must be done But we're at a loss because we're lost Walking in wilderness Searching for answers that we don't find It's like having the sk** to write the illest rhyme But just can't put down the first line…the first line It's ‘cos it's so immense The scale of the task The fight's been going on for centuries And with every generation it restarts We take stabs in the dark At what is truth At why we're here At what is justice At what is freedom At what we should trust or fear There's so many opinions Never consensus Just devastation We lead each other blind in circles To d**h or damnation We live confused inside a world of warring opposites Greed moulds the mind so few will see what real profit is We stare into an endless void So our fear is warranted From oblivion, to birth, to decay until apocalypse We live the same cycle as our universe just scaled down I crack a broken smile Tryna' pave over this stale frown Welded to my brain Contemplating what's become us Wonder how anyone makes it through this life without taking another's Questioning… What is freedom? What is truth? What is existence?? What is justice I wonder what d**h will produce? Hoping my final sunset brings a neo-genesis A union with my Creator and all that has ever lived Hoping my errors lift long enough To help me see this once I'm dispersed But our images of Heaven's what we need to try create on Earth A world without the suffering That's caused by walking selfish steps So that our unborn needn't fear their births the way we fear our d**hs Sometimes it's hard Constantly running through these thoughts And longing for the world I wanna see Sometimes my mind aches It can feel like my universe is tearing But the battle goes on I fight to obtain my bearing Obtain Bearing