900 years ago, a creature came to life on a planet nowhere to be seen. He was big-eared, small and green so he couldnt find a wife and the kids in school were always mean. He learned to use the force and make tasty lemonade from the bark of his gimer stick. He built his own house and the furniture he made but still he couldns find a decent chick. (the force: And then he became Yes, he became Mmm, he became) He's my Jedi Master He taught me everything I know Jedi Master How to use the force he showed He's my (Jedi Master) Even though hes small his wisdom is great but keep in mind hes 900 years old.
He left is planet and didnt bother to mate, Leave this planet, I must, he told. His contact with the force grew ever so strong, maybe stronger than with anyone before. Yeah, hes my hero and now dont get me wrong, but I love him just more, more, more. (the force: And then he became Yes, he became Mmm, he became) He's my Jedi Master He taught me everything I know Jedi Master How to use the force he showed He's my (Jedi Master) Jedi Master He makes tasty lemonade Jedi Master He's green but I like him He's my (Jedi Master) Go Yoda!