Can you hear his battle scream When he's gone no one will miss When he dies no one will cry He reach's for the light That he cannot behold His anger is not controlled Kiss your breath away You believe in nothing You reopen your scars You relive the horrors They're all on the outside looking in Wishing you'd just go away And stop making them act like they care If you live or die Dont you wish that you could die And have everyone in the world bawl Just for you, you want attention You make false lies, impared judgements
You believe in nothing, live for nothing Dont leave this world that you hate Because shes waiting for you She watch's the stars at night The same stars you watch She'll take your hand and send you flying Show you love like you never knew Theres so much more in you She'll take your broken self And fix it perfect with just one kiss Can't live life without a little drama Cant hide from your own emotion Cant hate the ones you love Cant love the ones you hate Only time will tell, what you really are