Enter ELAINE and her retinue. A Squire. Lady, this is the place; we will retire. Within short space the Queen doth come this way. [Exeunt all except ELAINE. EL. They say she is all goodness, she will grant That I may meet this noble knight and fair, And know my love returned, or else I die. Enter GUINEVERE and ladies. GUIN. Lady, what wouldst thou? [ELAINE kneels. EL. O most noble lady, I am a maid, Called Elaine, daughter unto Astolat's lord, Who cometh to thee, madam, for kind help Upon the matter of a maiden's love. It rendeth me so, unless it be returned My heart will burst in twain, and I will die. GUIN. Maiden, thy tale is sad; be thy quest pure, The Queen will help thee; be thy person wronged, By Arthur's mighty kingdom, thou art 'venged. EL. Nay, madam, Elaine's love is white and pure,
And he she loves is noble as any knight In all this kingdom. Forgive my boldness, madam, And by that love thou bearest to the King, Our great lord, high Arthur, help me now, And bring me to the face of him I love. GUIN. Of truth, thou hast a boldness in thy love. (aside) There is an innocence in this fair maid Doth make me pity her, so deep in love For some false face that made a summer toy Of her frank pa**ion. Yea, I pity her. (to ELAINE) Maiden, to-morrow we do hold a tourney. Thou wilt be present with us in the Court, And thou canst note the knights and seek thy lover, If he be 'mid the guests of noble Arthur. EL. Oh, thank thee, noble madam, may kind Heaven Bless thee in thy great wifehood to the King. GUIN. Come, maiden, thou wilt follow in our train. [Exeunt all. CURTAIN.