Rechardt Pablo and Antonis is a buddies and cronies Own ponies and share all their toys Well, they shake in the mornin' and hang in the evenin' Out with Eddie and the boys. Oocha oocha oo cha cha Oocha oocha oo cha cha Oocha oocha oo cha cha Oocha oocha. Yes 'n' Holy Baloney, Margaret and Joanie Can't hear themselves think for the noise Well, the stock's always falling and the shares always crawling
Out with Eddie and the boys. Oocha oocha.... Yes and student Dragotsi got a dog name of Grotski Count voting amongst the life's joys Well, he vote for the uppers and vote for the downers Gonna vote for Eddie and the boys. Doo doo doo... Eddie Eddie and the boys Eddie Eddie and the boys Eddie Eddie and the boys Eddie Eddie