Throw a profanity hell ride at me Shoot all my rhythm music down Kick me off all Pace bus routes Keep me stuck in the concrete jungle of Chicago, Illinois Hell me Hell me Hell me Hell me Call me an a** in front of my friends Call me a f**ing bum like I live on the streets Call me a f**ing jerk like I'm a music store burglar Call me a f**ing a**hole like I'm a terrorist Make me bust my portable CD player so I can freak out
Hell me Hell me Hell me Hell me Rough me up so I can weird out Make me holler at bus drivers and pa**engers on every CTA bus route Get me arrested and incarcerated by the Chicago police Make me stare at a prison wall with one phone call Make my haunting joy ride plans shatter Hell me Hell me Hell me Hell me Rock over London Rock on, Chicago Ford - quality is job one