There was once a ritual, but it's forgotten now We could make pure gold from stone if only we knew how There was once a formula, a word to change the world Now there's nothing similar, no magick spells are heard The pearl of immortality is gone without a trace Instead we have morality to guide the human race The stone of the philosophers will soon be found again It lies beneath the gossamer of time in twilight's reign Purify, intensify The quintessence of elements A higher form of all that you see The fifth dimension lies in you (and me) The philosophers' stone was lost for long ages The signs of all times inscribed on its edges For days beyond told the message has waited For the knowledge and sk** of the initiated
Purify, intensify The quintessence of elements A higher form of all that you see The fifth dimension lies in you (and me) By the stone the quintessence of elements are known Of fire, earth, water, air, a creature holds the throne The Phoenix rules the fire and all mankind rules the earth The eagle rules the wind ways and the dolphin rules the surf The morning's light will painfully chase shadows from your eyes As you perceive the meaning of the mystic sacrifice It is within the mind of man to draw the grand design Between the indications of a truth beyond all time Purify, intensify The quintessence of elements A higher form of all that you see The fifth dimension lies in you (and me)