[hook] I don't need the fame and you can keep the wealth Because a million dollars never pays for itself Everything is in vain when you only think of yourself I need something to live for; something bigger than myself [verse 1] Listen up everybody, because I've got to say something It seems like everybody gets worked up over nothing Why worry about now when today won't affect tomorrow? Why be cheerful today when tomorrow's full of sorrow? Why be so obsessed with your possessions and whatever? Why even bother with quality of life, because it doesn't matter No matter how nice your life is, it'll end the same way And you better pray, cause you could die any day It doesn't even really matter if you die sooner or later Life s**s too much to look forward to a future That's right, life s**s. It s**s so much That I'd trade a whole year for a couple of bucks And I honestly don't care much for money either If you could save me time or money, I would probably choose neither [hook] [verse 2] My life used to be worth living for, but it isn't anymore I just want to restore it to how it was before I've come to abhor waking up like it's a chore I don't even have anything worth waking up for Life s**s for me now and it'll s** tomorrow too d**h is the only thing I look forward to k** me now. I'm a Christian. I just want to go to heaven I want this misery to end. "When will it end?" is my only question I want to be with God at peace. I want all this pain to cease I want to fall asleep at least and then stay asleep for weeks Maybe in my dreams, everything could be alright
With nothing distressing in sight and my future looking bright Then, maybe I could wake up when my life is better Or better yet, maybe I could stay asleep forever [hook] [verse 3] For the rich, I've got something to say to you I know you do not want to live like the poor do You only live once, so don't get offtrack Take everything you can and never give anything back They say whoever dies with the most toys wins So steal all that you can and multiply your sins Gather everything that you can get your filthy hands on Get all the money you can get before you're gone Make the best of all that life puts you through But it doesn't really matter how well you do Because there will always be people greater than you And just like the poor, those people k** themselves too Try this, die young and have a good-looking corpse Your corpse is all you have that'll last, so that works [hook] [verse 4] Why care about anything when everything is in vain? All this futility is driving me insane Life's so lame. It's a joke and it's a shame Real life is the same as a video game It's an arcade. Everyone has the same aim They just want to see their name in the hall of fame All that everybody wants is to be rich and famous But the poor remain poor with no monetary changes When somebody actually does make it, then he sees That being wealthy isn't really what it's worked up to be He thought that the money would make him happy But now he doesn't even have any privacy There's the paparazzi and other enemies And even his owns fans won't give him any peace 2[hook]