Drowning in the needs of everybodys everyday To thick to move, the friction is the painful taste Selfish motives begin to co-align Subtraction an no action are breeding this decline Instead of grievin'/ I'm believin' Do all you need to do to get Even! Prove you can act to put a stop to it Move opposed to those who rule on top of it Rip apart the works that grind the blind at will Pit them one on one until there's none to k**
Don't accept blatant disregard Overstepped my surroundings scarred No repair in sight or even planned Unaware you don't dare to find out where you stand Instead of grievin'/ I'm believin' Do all you need to do to get Even! Here talks a man too big for his britches Now i don't think it's hard for you to picture this Is it or isn't this a dilemma From which all other problems stem from! Prove you can act to put a stop to it!