The reality TV show brought together fat white Alabama policemen and African American families from Detroit to live together on a custom-made plantation for a month. America: stupidity plus enthusiasm is a special kind of genius. "When I was a child," says Kevin, "I spoke as a child, and I thought as a child, but now I am a man, and I have put away childish things." His wife doesn't think that St. Paul was talking about giving up gluten. The surgeons compare the human heart to an engine; the car mechanics compare the engine to a heart. The metaphor works for both of them, and it explains why one of the mechanics, Carl,
has been asking the same woman out, and being refused, for fourteen years. This winter sky is flat, gray, and stretches out forever, a pure performance of the verb to yearn. "Human beings weren't meant to live like this," said Aldous Huxley, but what did he mean by this? and how do you define meant? Eventually the topic turns out to be Time, Time and the self. It's about getting temptered, like a sword held in the fire. It's about getting cooked in the oven, like a loaf of bread. One day when the smoke clears, then, when that day comes, then-- we will use the sword to cut the bread.