I guess I got romantic notions; I need a love, a love like the ocean. You look so sweet, you seem so fine; Naturally, I wish you were mine. She says: "I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'. No, I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'. No, I don't know why." Consider the lilies of the field, and how they grow. I'm just like that, but I'm more slow. I need a love that's tender and true. I need a love, someone like you. She says: "I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'.
No, I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'. No, I don't know why. I don't know why." I wish I had another life, To show you how I feel. I'm hoping that my luck is good; I know my love is real. Kaleidescopin'... Kaleidescopin'... I guess I got romantic notions. I need a love, a love like the ocean. You look so sweet, you seem so fine; Naturally, I wish you were mine. She says: "I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'. No, I don't know why you're wishing and hoping, When you could be kaleidescopin'."