This day is completed with awaking of me Dreams turned in side out become a real thing Darkened wood of little Christian church Profanes this clear snow Only dusk breaks its shadow seal Opens the way to go out from under the snow I fall out from the womb of twilight into this night Your bodies are only vessels which are Shining red spiced with souls Your blood is satisfaction for my hate not for my hurt But mighty someone draws me out of here into nowhere I belong to forgotten past and nothing can change my nature I am miserable for myself but pride Doesn't let me stop my vengeance I hate you all gathering under icons of other god I hate your filthy blood you were guilty to my thirst
I'll take all the blood of your unbaptized sons And daughters of yours will take all your blood Memory shells down like dried up dye My idols have already mouldered away My pagan temples don't hear the voices To worship me only blood is to stay I'm glad when you bleed Among your dying sons And none of you will be forgiven by God I fall out from the darkest prejudice into your life My eyes are always watching you through the river ice Your blood is satisfaction for my hate not for my hurt But mighty someone draws me out of here into nowhere And your lot is to wait for my seed's growing up And your calm life will turn into your Biblical Inferno...