d**h comes calling the crows will circle above our sacred stones d**h comes calling flesh shall rip and wounds shall burst upon the sacred soil d**h comes calling gushing bowels shall spill upon our sacred oaks d**h comes calling severed limbs shall spay blood upon our sacred groves In a War hear our song of Beli Mawr d**h comes calling the crows will circle above our sacred stones d**h comes calling flesh shall rip and wounds shall burst upon the sacred soil d**h comes calling gushing bowels shall spill upon our sacred oaks d**h comes calling
severed limbs shall spay blood upon our sacred groves In War hear our song of Beli Mawr that is a nation without a people? what is a people without a nation/ you come to take our freedom, out gods, our pride we fight to live, we fight for our children, our homes, hear our song of Beli Mawr, our battle cries shall echo throughout time for we are the last of the British with swords unsheathed, our shield walls steadfast and we will fight to the last, to our very last breath and we shall die sword in hand, for all paths, they all lead to d**h