Feelings that everyone's livin,' To a different kinda wall. I feel nano sense skipping, Tangled up in my own thoughts. ‘Harley on', they're just rainin', Rest their motto, “wha' we got?”. Try to look into the mirror, Scared of what I may find out. I must believe, I must believe. I need to live, Not just exist. What if I'm wrong, What if I'm wrong. What did I know, What if I'm wrong. Why must these ‘specials', have feelings, Why must I live in inside.
I wrestle with my raging ailing, Lately, I have lost my fire. I must believe, I must believe. I need to live, Not just exist. What if I'm wrong, What if I'm wrong. What did I know, What if I'm wrong. What if I'm wrong, What if I'm wrong, Hold-a my hand. Is the water so cold? What if I'm wrong, Is the water so warm? It's all that I know, What have we sold? What if I'm wrong, What if I'm wrong. What if I'm wrong, What if I'm wrong.