So glad you made it This will be better than the last time Do you remember that weird kid next door? Well you're never going to believe this one We, we caught the scent Were on the track Well feed you to the hounds Petrified Run for your life as we bring the d**h storm Oh! Good job Dig up those bones You made it?! Send the d**h storm!! We lead the march to the skin beef, it's on! There'll be a hanging Find him! Get him! Let's string him up! So soft and pink inside
No matter what has happened, Please remember the good times And no matter what you've said or done learn to watch your f**ing mouth Unless you're caught on video on video and you are ankle deep in it We can make things go away for the right pay check Follow the smell to the man behind the gla** I don't care about your regret and I'm not asking why I'll steal the wind from your sails and I'll make sure you die Going to be a witch hunt