One november morning as i awoke The tide had turned and the waters had broke My pregnant wife told me the news She said "love, it's time you'd better put on your shoes" Later on i collected my daughter from school On our way home we came across some fools Who were kicking and punching and ready to annoy A helpless and most frightened boy I stopped and wondered should i intervene But i was already part of the scene By witnessing the act had i stopped the goad? And the two ugly thugs came across the road They swore and threatened But my daughter didn't cry And i stood my ground And looked them in the eye One of them turned and held up a brick It was then i knew these blokes were sick In his hand that creep held my life The future of my daughter and my pregnant wife For my little girl's sake i could not fight Even though i knew i was in the right That coward must've seen The anger in my eyes
That idiot stood for everything i despise I dared him to do what he wanted to do But he knew he'd bitten off More than he could chew At that point they snarled And ran across the street Without a punch thrown They knew they were beat They kicked the boy once Then left him alone Then a voice cried "daddy, please take me home" As we walked away I'd lost track of the time But i saw a police officer Run to the scene of the crime I felt guilty had i taken the right action? To involve my daughter While my wife timed contractions My son was born on the 26th of november Of course that's a day i'll always remember All night my wife struggled with her pain And at half past four we gave him his name Oh son, this world can be a violent place And you must make sure you look it in the face To fight fire with fire is foolish that's true But don't let anyone walk over you