Do you want to bathe in pools of blood? Dear God oh no, not again We will contemplate the symptoms we can't comprehend You don't have to wait for the judgment day Judgment will happen everyday And fear is what will frame you, not your DNA I don't wonder about your pyramids And I don't ponder where Hoffa's body is So sign your petitions and go to your meaningless marches Proceed to the protest, set fire to drapes There is no beauty that can be attained When all you got's a shovel, everything will look like a grave Ohh, are you smelling flowers and looking around for the gardens? Or are you smelling flowers and looking around for the coffins? Come to the light, the light is good
There are bags of blood here waiting The sheeps are with our wolves Come to the light, the light seems safe, we have ways to make you talk Where sheeps can safely, sheeps can safely graze Come to the light, the light is good There is blood for breakfast lately Cause why not? We're all doomed Come to the light, the light fluoresced We have ways to make you talk But I am horrified that you will say it's meaningless A cosmic joke on me Someday this will all be yours We are gonna get what we came for To whistle past the graveyard Baby clams, you thought you could have it all But now you've had your first snoot full And it will bury you all Someday this will all be yours