Joy to the world the Lord is come Let Earth received her King Let every heart prepare Him room And Heav'n and nature sing By a one lane bridge on an old dirt road That leads up to grandma's place Someone cuttin' down the evergreen They're gonna decorate And miles away the bells are ringing on a street downtown There're smiling faces everywhere and magic all around You can hear the voices of rejoicing love rejoicing love Singing joy to the world from up above Bringing peace, good will to men
It's that special time again You can hear the voices of rejoicing love From Tennessee to Jerusalem families gather from far and wide Here the smell of cookin' from Grandma's kitchen carries them all inside And where cannons roar, they're silent for the crying of a child And enemies or brother if only for a while Later on in the silent night while the whole world's fast asleep There's a feeling in the stillness by the light of the Christmas tree