Ana, forgive me baba Transformer Machine Life Metal dreams pulling Gepetto Strings The Last Arabs to Blast At Rhyme Immigrant Flashback Lyrical Sand trap, There's no way I'm fearing you Double Agents Clearing Through Bag Hara**ment Border Cops Jetlag and Asthma Wet Bags of Gra** get sent back to Basra Who's sane? A strangled ba*tard, tracks bang when blasted like the Madrid Bombings, I'm sick of this sh** mama…. I'm Leaving Iraq's Missile Hymns…. War Music, Pray for me cuz I'm torn moving Why would I ever leave? Never been better B…..
Till I'm the center of attention like the Letter N Get a Pen Cla**y Bedoin Half me resident Canadian Iraqi Medicine Arabian Apache I'm leaving at that, listen in…. Cobra Commander with visions of Grandeur, Mission Abandoned Kissing my land with a missing advantage you wanna listen or ban it? Like the F-C-C We setting the standard, what a tangled web we weave…. Tell me where Osama At, Who Care's if Obama's Black? I'll leave it at that, Listen in… and why'd you bomb Iraq? Mic Check like Jordan Ones Store your guns brother, there's more to come now….