Kermit: Wow! There'll be spectacle There'll be fantasy There'll be derring do And stuff like you would never see All: Hey! A movie! Yeah! We're gonna be a movie! Kermit: Starring everybody... Fozzie: ...And me! Fozzie: There'll be heroes bold! There'll be comedy! And a lot of fuss That ends for us real happily All: Hey! A movie! Kermit & Fozzie: We can watch it all develop! All: Starring everybody... Gonzo: ...And me! Gonzo: We'll take a world And set it on its ear All:
Come on, join in We're gonna start right here Kermit: There'll be crooks and cops! There'll be villainy! But with us on call We'll fix it all real easily All: Hey! A movie! Fozzie: Wow! It's gonna be terrific! All: Starring everybody...! Nicky: And me! All: There'll be mystery And catastrophe But it's all in fun You paid the money - wait and see! Hey! A movie! Sweetums: Is there any way to stop it!? All: Starring everybody Everybody Everybody Kermit: ...And me!