It was on one dark and starless night I heard and saw an awful sight The lightning flashed, the thunder rolled Across my dark denial soul I saw a gulf form down below Where all the dying drunkards go I saw another weeping crowd Bloodshotten eyes and voices loud "Come here young man, we'll give you room This is the whiskey seller's doom" I started there, got there at last I thought I'd take a social gla** But every time I started in, I thought about the drunkard's den I smashed it down and left the place I went to seek redeeming Grace I felt like Paul who once did pray
For God to wash his sins away I started home to change my life To see my loving neglected wife I found her weeping over the bed Because our infant babe was dead I told her not to cry or weep Our little baby had gone to sleep It's little soul had pa**ed away To ring with Christ an endless day I took her by her lilly white hand She was so weak she could not stand I knelt her down and prayed a prayer That God might save and bless us there And now I live a better life In a Christian home with a loving wife