This is our uptempo folk song The one we use to start the show! Our up-tempo folk song, The kind every folk singer ought to know! The kind that sets your toes a tapping and makes you want to sing along. It's the one we stole from the Kingston Trio Generic up tempo folk song! This is the middle of our up temo folk song It's called the second verse You gotta sing it warm and tender To make it sound different from the first. This is when we look at all the people Just to see who is around And if we sing the second verse softly The crowed usually quiets down. This is the bridge and it's really exciting
It was a different plan The purpose of the bridge is to get from the middle To the begining of the end! This is our up tempo folk song The end is drawing near And by now you're so gosh-darn excited you want to stand right up and cheer! So lets say "hurray" for our folk survivors May they sing forever strong! And for the land of the brave and free Generic up tempo folk song! (hit it, Bill) So lets say "hurray" for our folk survivors May they sing forever strong May they shed a tear Each time they hear Generic up tempo folk song!