We were fighting some trolls In the warrens below Getting close to our goal As far as I know My dude fails a roll And it knocks him prone No standards, moves, or minors I was totally boned It was a critical hit From some little minimal sh** When I heard those little dice click I threw a bit of a fit Instead of a saving throw Instead of a glancing blow No medical sk**s in tow
I let my character go My guy died... The coup de grace came up on the 20th side Crit He had 11 Strength 13 Con 16 Dex 11 Intelligence 9 Wisdom 23 Charisma I play a minotaur now My guy died... The coup de grace came up on the 20th side My guy died... No d**h save modifiers could be applied My guy died... That human saving throw bonus couldn't save me this time