Never growing a day older on your shoulder lie my head Stare into the sky I wonder are we alive or are we dead Frozen we're suspended and the World is black and white We're the only one's in color just like moths drawn to the light Now we're alone and there's only two Me and you You and me Searching for some things that we'll never find Never find Never see Collide with me Two turning into one We will save time in a bottle Seal it up and time will stop
For us Not one minute but this one wrapped up in arms of glowing light Snap a picture for our lockets that will keep us safe and tight Pretend it's the future 50 something years ahead We will run into the ocean as the sun sets hand in hand Not one minute but this one Floating and weaving and Bobbing and turning A train to nowhere that takes us to somewhere Turn Back I'm right there Sticking so tightly Right where you found me