Lord, my battle scars are many And my medals must be few For in the midst of conflict raging So often I've failed You But somehow You've kept me standing You picked me up each time I'd fall You don't cast out wounded soldiers You just love them through it all One day all the soldiers will go home They'll cease fighting For the battle will be won As the Captain says, "Well done You've fought the fight, the race is run" Wounded soldier, the war is over Welcome home
In my heart, I am a victor Yet at times the flesh is weak So often I have begged Your grace lest I go down in defeat It's then I recall that battle That was fought by You alone As Your blood ran from that rugged cross Our victories were won One day all the soldiers will go home They'll cease fighting For the battle will be won As the Captain says, "Well done You've fought the fight, the race is run" Wounded soldier, the war is over Welcome home