Yo, who's the last missionary? The last Eve The Last Adam marries/ the last hope in these last days here, she's/ the mother of all livin' in Him, the perfection of feminine/ symbolism in scripture right next to wisdom// she's the reason He made the first Eve, when the mystery's first seen/ the day before His creative work ceased/ when He said that the man must first leave his parents, to her cleave/ then in their unity she would birth seed// the a**embly of diverse peeps, from all of the earth's peaks/ and valleys who rally for their worst need/ she's “Ecclessia” see the word's greek, and those who discern speech/ know that in English we call her “Church” she's// both local and global, when close she'll expose you/ and show you you're role in the whole group (no clones dude)/ she's known through her produce, her foes got that faux fruit/ and clothes but she's no fool, she knows wolves (like old news)// she's old school but so new and though cool her soul won't/ condone none of those who oppose truth (she holds true)/ she won't move she's sown roots in dope news/ of hope fueling “go” through her social and vocal (she won't lose)//
Hook: The veil doesn't block her and hell couldn't stop the/ the bells couldn't rock her, he's got her (that's my church)/ He's mocked when you mock her, and God isn't mocked sir/ what's dropped is the crop earned, he's got her (that's my church)// with no truth, you're not her, a grown dude is not her/ alone you are not her, he's got her (that's my church)/ the wolves can't de-flock her, the rumors will not work/ her pulpit is God's turf, he's got her (that's my church)//