Our clean-cut leaders In dirty money they deal Transactions undercover They bribe, divert and steal Industry bosses And the political cla** Scratching each others back and Kissing each other's a** for cash Where do you see a just society f** the law! f** the law! They can do it in your face f** the law! f** the law! When the're in a higher place Who said we're equal? Laws only goverb the slobs No one goes after those who Do the white collar jobs For tax evasion A fine you maybe will pay But as a demonstrator They will look you away for sure Equality is just a fantasy f** the law! f** the law! They can do it in your face f** the law! f** the law!
When the're in a higher place Crime and punishment? The law is sacred It makes most people behave But if you have the power You make the law your slave There is no justice That's what the proverb says The small ones always get caught The big ones always get away Where do you see a just society? f** the law! f** the law! They can do it in your face f** the law! f** the law! When the're in a higher place f** the law! f** the law! They can do it in your face f** the law! f** the law! When the're in a higher place f** the law! f** the law! They can do it in your face f** the law! f** the law! When the're in a higher place