Think of this earth as a body The Rain Forest being the heart The threat of a deadly virus Slowly tearing her apart The rain mixed with pollution Each tear acids of pain Sliding the mountains downhill Scarring her pretty terrain Trees being mowed down for paper Baring her form to the sun Drying her skin into wrinkles Leathering under our gun The constant threat of this battle Her scars go the bone Thoughtless dangerous pollution Opening up the ozone She who once was a beauty Slowly eaten alive Tortures of mans only duty Jackknifed into this dive She's going downhill faster Than we who believe can plant trees She hunches her back to disaster When more of us need to believe She really needs a make-over Her body needs the repairs We have to complete in our lifetime The beauty that we took over years
Give back to her heart its true beat The one that makes us believe That she who gives everything to us Won't have to wear pain on her sleeve We need to think of this lady To give and not falter her trust We need to think of her blessings Think hard of what's under her crust To feel as I do her pain To live each day close to life To feel the cries of the Forest To make a good go for her strife It won't take long to tender It can happen if we attempt To pull our resources together The Rain Forest is giving us hints Her heart is in need of a by-pa** We clogged her arteries and veins With polluted fires of shaven forms Apathized her answer to rains Now she sobs to us with a pity Very few hear her silent fears The heart of the Rain Forest weeps for us We have minutes...while we took from her ...years