I feel like I'm a feather dancing in the air My tresses flow behind me as if they have no care I free-fall through the centuries, the aged times of old I tremble with the breezes breath I fancy feeling bold I tickle the children's' nose I flow around their ears I buzz atop a horses back, I dangle within fears I travel in dimensions and flow among the kings I even scrape the golden crowns of Camelot and queens I fall from the turrets...thrown from a princess high Then settle in the moat below and float among her sighs I once again redeem my place in breezes pick-me-up
I flow much further as I light to settle on a pup The flight just then is tickled with tongues that seek me out As children of Sir Arthur laugh...pick me up and shout "Look at thee Mum they shout"..."We found this pretty feather" "Come rejoice and sing aloud"...as songs of children gather Just to travel and be free of all that's cumbersome Brings the dreams to focus at all I've gone and done I merely want to float away...sometimes its just a dream Its out-of-focus wishes in life's grander scheme of things.