I know you. I've seen you before You sit alone at the Cafe du Monde or Starbucks and watch everyone. You walk the stairs of the High Museum in Atlanta and watch others and your mouth turns------>up. You're a gentle man. I've seen you many places... In the reflection of Virgin Records huge dispaly windows. You watch from a vantage point and your smile broadens when you think I can't see you. Your lip turns------>up. You are a gentle man. I've noticed you in the halls of the vast museums, walking or leaning on the huge walls. You co*k one leg over the other to act aloof but I see you. I pa** and your lip turns up. My fragrance is a gift for you today. You're a gentle man. Your heart is in my spirit and I'm never afraid of you.
I am always comforted by your nearness. Did I tell you that I love Verdi or Rachmoninoff when our thoughts were exchanged? I meant to ...I promise. Look at you now as your lip curls----->up. You're a gentle man. I know your rage too. You hide it well and your shy side is redeeming the boy inside of you. You have always been near me watching and I've always caught your thoughts but would never let on. I'm never a stranger to your shadow as your looks protect me. Are you an angel I ask of you? You are a gentle man and your pa**ions rage inside of me just where you place them so tenderly. I am warmed by your smile. You are he....a gentle man.