I called the number by a name the number sang the word made a flower the flower smelled it pleased a bird who flew up high and sang from a tower the tower did what towers do it stretched immobile into the sky the sky got sick of being blue so it turned black the night had arrived the night presided over the world the quiet calm and then came the sun the sun lit every object it hit cast a shadow over the ground the ground held still without a complaint although it withstood the weight of the throng and we all walk along on the streets lost in our thoughts and making up songs our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy music drifted into the air where is dissolved into the clouds condensed to drips while floating along while turning gray and raining down the rain came down with all of its might in order to wash the street down below the street got slick and cracked from the rain and it made all of the cars drive slow a car broke down and rolled to a stop from out of it stepped a mother and child the mother then frowned and wrinkled her brow the kid just bounced a ball for a while the ball was dizzy from all of the fuss so it rolled off and went in a stream the stream thought it was busy enough carrying fish and watering trees our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy
our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy And I know you have your doubts and I know you don't believe that the spark redeems the word and it's holy air you breathe and the breath that moves along and the spark creates the song And I know you have your doubts and I know you don't believe that the spark redeems the word and it's holy air you breathe and the breath that moves along and the spark creates the song And I know you have your doubts and I know you don't believe that the spark redeems the word and it's holy air you breathe and the breath that moves along and the spark creates the song And I know you have your doubts and I know you don't believe that the spark redeems the word and it's holy air you breathe and the breath that moves along and the spark creates the song And I know you have your doubts and I know you don't believe our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our eyes are toward there hereafter to find the living voice our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our eyes are toward there hereafter to find the living voice our mouths will be filled with laughter our tongues with songs of joy our eyes are toward there hereafter to find the living voice