Chorus You were meant to live large C'mon take charge Let's go light the world up Let's not wait until the end To be the things we wish we'd been You were meant to live life C'mon let's fly You're a super trooper spotlight We're gonna jump on the count of three Here it comes now One two three jump V1 If you were a country you'd be Switzerland You never take a stand your policy is Never to offend And if you were a gambler you would always win You'd only bet on the horses after they had
Already come in And I'm sorry that I'm getting on your case But true friends they stab you in the face (Chorus) V2 If you were in a movie you'd be thug number 5 Cuz you don't try out for a starring role But your name belongs in lights If you got a GI Joe you'd never open up the box Safe inside its plastic prison Waiting for the day it rots And I'm sorry that I'm getting on your case But true friends they stab you in the face (Chorus)