Everything you thought or were led to believe was a misconception This unsafe approach at life has k**ed all hope within. Worthless attempts of achieving happiness Disgusted, mistrusted, betrayed and persuaded Reveling such feelings, mistakes of disgrace The shock and disbelief of reality SETS IN The weight of the world CRUSHES These pains within are intolerable Changes are of utmost importance. Intolerable ways of living brought on by oneself. Waiting to be let down, Depression, remove for all negative surroundings
False perceptions broken dreams Living this unhappy life is not worth living Whose life to take? Mine or theirs Dismiss the anguish brought one self. Relearn how to live and only trust yourself. Disgusted, mistrusted, betrayed and persuaded Reveling such feelings, mistakes of disgrace Obsession, Betrayal, Murder, Suicide Negative energy trapped and enraged Unable to fix what has/is, Essence of d**h k**s all in its path.