As I drive Through the small town Anywhere USA All this small Shops are closed Affairs through chase In land of plenty So many hearts To attend Too many I'm feel and fool in travel On I driving to the heart of my hold Could a main street disappeared Where lovers seems to kiss We got to leave this town behind us Could I come back if we try aay My bill charting through pouring rain Will tears prompted sky This land is crying This land is crying I hear it crying реклама Across this land Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America
Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America In many darkness just kiss keeper I feel a heavy head if don't will of my soul As I wonder we on this leas How the people teasers pleased Just land is crying This land is crying I hear it crying Across this cry Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America Driving through the pouring rain in the middle of America I weel Alone We go, oh