The traveling salesman stopped for gas As it was getting late He sure was feeling tired And it was snowing on the interstate He says "won't 'cha fill 'er up my friend And see if my oil's alright And do you know a place where a tired-out traveling man Might spend the night?" The attendant winked at him and said "I bet you been around Now the man who puts up lodgers here is Known as Farmer Brown You'll find him in that old stone house That's just at the edge of town And he's got a 15 year old daughter Who likes to fool around." Now the salesman winked right back at him And a smile came to his lip He paid for the gas and oil And then he gave that man a tip He started up and pushed that old gas pedal out to the floor He roared off like a bat and in nothing flat He was at the farmer's door Now the door opened up and a beautiful girl says "Won't you come on in?" That traveling salesman's tongue was hanging out like Rin-Tin-Tin
"That old gas station attendant said I would find you here And do you have a suitable room You could rent to me my dear?" "Alas, kind Sir, I'm sorry but the last one's gone you see, So if you want to spend the night You will have to sleep with me" And he says "How fortuitous, my pretty little miss" And he throws his arms around her And he gives that girl a kiss Now her warm and tender ruby lips He scarcely could believe And he never saw the hammer She had hidden up her sleeve She said "I'm getting sleepy, Why don't we go to bed?" And as they turned to climb the stairs She whupped him on the head Now the very next day the salesman's car With brand new license plates Was sitting at Farmer Brown's gas station out on the interstate So all you traveling salesmen Who might be pa**ing through You better watch your step Or that traveling salesman joke will be on you