Living in a city of immigrants I don't need to go traveling Open my door and the world walks in Living in a city of immigrants Living in a city that never sleeps My heart keeping time to a thousand beats Singing in languages I don't speak Living in a city of immigrants City of black City of white City of light City of innocents City of sweat City of tears City of prayers City of immigrants Living in a city where the dreams of men Reach up to touch the sky and then Tumble back down to earth again Living in a city that never quits Living in a city where the streets are paved With good intentions and a people's faith In the sacred promise a statue made Living in a city of immigrants City of stone
City of steel City of wheels Constantly spinning City of bone City of skin City of pain City of immigrants All of us are immigrants Every daughter, every son Everyone is everyone All of us are immigrants, everyone Living in a city of immigrants River flows out, and the sea rolls in Washing away nearly all of my sins Living in a city of immigrants City of black City of white City of light I'm living in a city of immigrants City of sweat City of tears City of prayers Living in a city of immigrants City of stone City of steel City of wheels Living in a city of immigrants City of bone City of skin City of pain City of immigrants All of us are immigrants All of us are immigrants