Foster Williams had a farm At the mouth of Steven’s Run 2000 acres inherited By his father’s only son I heard that he was hiring Room and board was paid So I rode out the on the 2nd of May I was a carpenter by trade Thirteen years younger Of his wife I’d heard tell Katy was her name In time I knew her well There were the wealthy and powerful But none as much as he I saw a side of Foster Williams That most people never see A lot of nights he was gone He never told Katy why But the nights that he was there Were the nights I heard her cry I saw the blood on her clothes And the bruises on her face So many times I asked her why
She wouldn’t leave Foster’s place Foster Williams came back one night Drinking too heavy to stand I stood at the corner of the house With Katy’s pistol in my hand He leaned against a fence post And lit a cigarette I moved a few steps closer As close as I could get I wasn’t even shaking When I pulled that hammer back Rose up and drew my aim And I heard that thunder crack He fell along the fence line Bleeding heavy through his shirt He slept the sleep of the dead Laying in a bed of red dirt If I’m sinning……. Then God forgive my soul I ran up behind the willows And the midnight swallowed me whole