I sat on top of the world On the highest mountain looking down A crossroad stood before me To the west I watched the sunlight drown The first breathe of night filled the sky But in the distance I saw a light A Traveler coming From hidden places, deep in the night He sat down next to the fire But he did not ask my name He said, “I am the Traveler By nature you know my fame.” “I can give you life without end Or any desire of your heart Streets of gold or a ruler’s hand Luxury ‘til d**h do us part.” He said, “My legions are many In this time and place The world I know can be yours If it’s my road you choose to embrace.” From the east I saw a light Walking towards me was an Old Man He sat down by the fire
Took me back to the road where I first began He said, “I know this Traveler On this road he walks a twisted mile If you decide to follow him Down on you the shadows will smile.” He said, “My path is a narrow one Leave yourself and this world behind Follow the dirt road less traveled If it’s the golden road you hope to find.” I woke up in the morning Under a misty haze and skies of gray I was alone by the fire But two sets of footprints led away The crossroad stood before me But I was divided to the core But the answer before me stood Much clearer than it had before The choice was now mine Two voices called me their chosen ways With their words echoing in my head I began walking into the haze