She pours a gla** of good red wine Do you mind? He says and does the same The wedding photo in the hall stares back at strangers from its frame In these familiar rooms where they watched the years go by Somewhere along the way they both stopped trying to try In his mind, he can still see her in that black dress he adored Her girlfriends all looked up to her and the men were always floored She interrupts his daydream with a question of her own And for the first time, in a long time, he doesn't feel like he's alone And she says, Why did you never take me to Paris or write my name in the stars Why when you see that I need it the most won't you take me in your arms?? Whispering sweet consolations as if the die weren't cast He looked surprised and said I guess it cause you never asked You never asked There's nothing I can do that can change the past And in her mind, she can still see him on his graduation day In a beard and horn rimmed gla**es and a smile that seemed to say You'll never want for anything if you stick close by me
He interrupts her daydream and says I know what you mean But why do you roll your eyes at my stories and jokes that you used to like? Why do you turn away from me when I lie down beside you at night? When my confidence is shaken why don't you build me up from scratch? She looked surprised and said because you never asked You've never asked. There's nothing we can do to change the past So right now I'm asking do you love me? Right now I'm asking, do you still give a damn? Thank God for red wine and an antique kitchen light that lets the shadows dance across the floor and hit both their faces just right Till they're saying Why don't we take a blanket out back and watch the stars from the lawn We can pretend it's the banks of the Seine and laugh at those dumb old stories until just before dawn and we'll make it like the first time or as if it was the last We'll answer every question we were too afraid to ask The answer's always no if you never dare to ask