I'm gonna stay in bed all day I'm gonna stay in bed all day But this could be my lucky day Or it could turn to black I might get lucky anyway I might never come back And it's too late for a wake up call Too late for a wake up call I'm gonna put it off today I'm gonna put you on Nothing I got to do today except for blow you off My dreams are all just throwaways My superstitions lack I'm just unlucky anyway All of my cats are black Don't let the sun pa** you by Don't let it fall from the sky Don't let the sunshine pa** you by
Don't let the tear fall from your eye I coulda stayed in bed all day I coulda stayed in bed all day Nothing I got to do today I might just rise and shine Don't let the sun pa** you by Don't let it fall from the sky Don't let the sunshine pa** you by Don't let the tear fall from your eye It's there each time I turn around I look away and you'll be gone I could have done so many things I could've have stayed I should've have stayed I should've stayed in bed all day I should've have stayed in bed