Your personal religion Your enthusiastic expression Your daring clothes, your overdose Your intimate songs Your broken vows, your divorces Your forced s**ual discourses Your tight jeans, your sun cream spirituality It doesn't speak, doesn't speak Your anti-depressant breakfast table Your MTV p**n feeding the children How did your dad think you're worth the war? Your clever quotes on independence Your independent of loneliness Your ma**ive, ma**ive lack of self control It doesn't speak, it doesn't speak for me It doesn't speak, it doesn't speak for me Yeah, You're taking care of your body You're taking care of your soul You're psycho, your psychoan*lysis
Your T-shirt says punk, you're so rock and roll You do whatever you want, oh I know I know You're individual, individual-al-al vomit It doesn't speak, it doesn't speak for me It doesn't speak, it doesn't speak for me With the sound of my city With the blowing of the wind And the silence of our children sleeping Have I come to understand With the pushing of the rivers With the falling of the rain With the dusting way it's drifting I will sing and sing again It's never gonna die, it's never gonna die, oh no It's never gonna die, it's never gonna die It's never gonna die, it's never gonna die, oh no It's never gonna die, it's never never gonna die