Cleanse My Wounds In Winter Moon Desire The Endless Quest For Sanctuary Pure As Formless Leviathans Swim Avernian Seas Crystal Citadels Call Me In My Dreams Desolate Epochs, The Statues They Weep Through Aeons Pa**ing, The Guardians Still Sleep My Heart Greets Forests, Once Sacred, Profane The Earth My Mistress In Pleasure And Pain Seeking Solace In The Glory That Was of Hidden Shrines To gods Now Lost Amongst Hopes Ruins To Find My True Place
I Orphaned of Heritage, A Man No Race Cleanse My Wounds In Winter Moon Desire The Endless Quest For Sanctuary Pure Drown Nights Sorrow In Rapture Divine Enchantment Delirium And Yet Do I Seek Winter Moon Rapture, The Ebb of Her Light But I Cannot See, For Tears In My Eyes The Tower of Silence The Fortress of Strength The Wealth of Compa**ion Would Ease My Descent