Pleasure is her business She's the one to meet She'll shoot the eye out of the buzzing fly And she wont miss a beat She likes to press wild flowers And read Edgar Allan Poe It doesn't do to get too close Or else your love will start to grow She's like fire Like wildfire like wildfire like wildfire You'll find her in big cities Living on the run She's got a smile like a crocodile She's just having fun She'll take a hand at poker She's never known to lose She plays the bottleneck guitar You know she loves those Delta Blues
She's like fire Like wildfire like wildfire like wildfire And ever since I saw her first I love her Sitting in that small cafe at dawn I didn't have the nerve To introduce myself just then So I looked her way again Sitting there with all her friends I knew I'd never win her heart Pleasure is her business She's the girl to see She'll take a flight in the middle of the night Just for somewhere new to be She wont discuss the future She wont discuss the past She's trying to find the beat before That one that's going to last