It's the ultimate social question-- Strip away the superficial and reveal the truth. That is why I don't believe that Newsweek has its finger On the pulse of American youth. Sony Walkmans, cool indifference and expensive thrift store clothing Is the length of what they see. And their market's indestructible As long as they can keep our eyes are adhered to the T.V. It won't be long 'till I am old. My youth will not be bought and sold.
Thumbs down to Generation X. And I hope you realize that if you're smoking You're a victim of the tobacco industry. 'Cause enslaving we consumers while we're young Is one of their foremost priorities. They say, "be young, have fun, And buy our product while you're at it Or you'll be rejected by your peers." I say be young and go your own way Or you'll fall into the lie and You'll very quickly disappear