(SOUNDMAPPER) I'm making sure you all feel my boom Im only 18 i know I'm not DOOM But i will make sure you see that i can rap, zoom You always dissing me saying I Sound like a horse pissing on a tree You need to start respecting me because once This rap stuff starts, you will be working in walmarts While im sitting at home In my room i call my dome, trying to rap When you probably want to put a cap in me Man its all wack to me, i know im not mac but im ready to get these stacks of Racks, just playing im not in this to get cash
I also dont smoke the hash My rhymes probably give you a rash, im telling you if you dont like me now Don't try later i will say bye bye alligator, people change once you get some fame Its not my goal to do this to get a Couple of hoes or some cash to buy Me some new clothes, but i guarantee you think I can't rap because I'm white Man i really don't want to fight, its just My skin color not my voice but you Got a choice to listen or not, but if You stay you might think my lyrics are hot Bet