what a marvelous night she drank wine I drank water it was a night to slaughter oh I was lost for words what a marvelous night she drank wine I drank water it was a night to slaughter oh I groped lost for words oh I will never cry for you although you're in my heartlet I should have known and my heart is racing oh is it only me or life's opacity might be silly to be irked but is this really how things work? and I fear the short-acting is long gone and my heart is racing but you ask me to go on
so I say it was much easier to say than to really do oh i may have lied to you o I don't wanna cry for you my stunted little heartlet the will is sold and the heart is racing so let it all be told now what the mind beholds or save the cuss from being uttered just shirk the fuss and mutter but I fear my presumptions are wrong and my heart is racing but you ask me to go on so I say it was much easier to say than to really do oh I may have lied to you