"What have you done?" "The secret program known as P.R.I.S.M. Allows the NSA to tap directly Into the central servers of nine Internet companies, including; Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook. Allowing the agency to collect material Such as email messages, file transfers, Audio and video files and search histories." "One illegally published item says The NSA intercepted equipment like Internet routers on it's way to Customers. The agency installed Hardware to monitor communications For the group." "But the surveillance has gone so far Beyond that, that motives which were Difficult to discern, they think are Less important than the mere fact That the system has been built Without our knowledge, that has Incredible dangers embedded within it But very few controls"
"I had to get out of there because they Were using a program that I built To do the nest-egg spying. I didn't want Any part of it. I didn't want to be Associated with it. I looked at is as Fiscal treason. It was subverting The constitution." "No place to hide" "We asked people to report on The degree in which they've Actually modified their behaviour In response to these revelations And significant proportions said That they are. About 28% said That they had curtailed or avoided Social media activities. 24% said that they're avoiding Certain subjects in telephone Or email conversations. And 16% said that they'd actually Steered away from tackling Particular topics in their writing Because of concern of Government surveillance."